I have mixed feelings now about going back to Minnesota next week. On one hand I am really desperately looking forward to being out of the heat finally (we don't really use AC here) and recovering from my heat exhaustion. But on the otherhand I will really miss my friend, and feel sad about all the times we won't be together.
But anyhow, I am going soon and I will be able to lay in my cool house and feel like a human again. I can't even think of dressing or making up right now TT but I still like to look for inspiration for when I can dressup.

I browsed through Popteen last week at the bookstore to waste time in their AC, and I was pleasently surprised to find some mature/good looking outfits in there. So here are the looks I picked.
My style is changing. I want to become trendy and relevant. Well I think that's all the coherent thought I'm going to get out now. Hope to post again soon.