New Layout

Hi again finally! I know I haven't been so good at blogging again now, but luckily I was still working on the blog! I have been spending some of my time working on a new layout, as well as just being a wastrel and layabout, I wanted to make my blog appear a bit more updated and in line with my current attitude.

So you can see it all fully implemented now!

I imagine there will be some glitches, especially in regards to commenting and Disqus (it's always the source of glitches...) So if you come across anything please let me know right away! I will try to have everything smoothed out in the next couple of days.

This layout is now running on the updated templates provided by blogger. I was using a V.1 template, but I figured its time to update and get with the times haha. I feel a bit guilty as this kind really doesn't require any effort...

Anyhow, gots to do some Murua shoppings today!! And its all rainy weather, as much as I hate walking in rain I am super excited by the cooler temps its bringing! I don't want to be a sweaty hateful mess on my last weekend here TT

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