Ok, this time for real

Oh yeah, I'm announcing another new layout...why am I spending my free time making layouts when I am traveling back to the US tomorrow?? haha! But when I get inspired I just have to finish the project, I have a very obsessive brain. Anyhow I saw this colorblock wallpaper yesterday and I just felt it was right.

I kept the banner but simplified it, and went back to the solid white body. Perhaps it may be too colorful for some, but this is really me now. It's my love of Murua spilling over to web design XD

Anyhow, gotta pack a bit more, 4 bags and I couldn't get everything in that I wanted. Then I will see what new magazines are out today (I know ViVi for sure). Its getting hot so I don't want the laptop on me so much, but I will try to post again later tonight.

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