Oh my it's hot, now this is what I expect from Japanese summer, to be so hot I can't even sit with a laptop on me, that's why I had to wait until late night to write this review! Today I am reviewing the GEO Xtra WT-A07 pink circle lenses. These lenses were provided to me by mukuCHU for the purposes of review, all stated opinions are my own honest appraisals of these lenses.
GEO Xtra WT-A07 pink
Origin: South Korea Diameter : 15.0mm Water Content : 38% Base Curve : 8.6mm Life Span : 1 year |
I had been interested in trying out pink lenses since they began coming out. I thought they looked really cute on brown eyes and wanted to know if that cuteness could translate onto light eyes too! So I was very happy when I received these and a bit nervous too XD
One lens in with flash
When I put one lens in just to see how it looked, I panicked a bit honestly! I thought it was very odd and just stood out too much. I had no makeup, so I told myself to hold all judgments until both lenses were in with makeup.
I'm glad I did wait, because I am very happy with how they look!
I have these lenses in another color so I already knew that the cute snowflake like design was very appealing and looked great in photos. GEO lenses are so comfortable in my experience as well. I wore these out on a very long day and they didn't start bothering me/drying out until around 21:00. Of course I bring re-wetting drops with me everywhere!
And as for the most important part - the pink color - I think it looks alright after all. When the pink is over my light eyes, it combines with my natural color to make a sort of mauve color that also looks a bit grey from a distance. Somehow it looks natural to me! XD
I was so pleased that the pink color turned out to be alright in the end because I really like the design and comfort of these lenses. They enlarge enough to fill in my eye and apply with minimal effort. I am happy that I can put these into my daily use category haha.
Quick Review: Enlargement: ★★★★★ Comfort: ★★★★★ Color: ★★★★☆ |
mukuCHU has always provided me with prompt service and correcting/helping me with any questions and comments I had. They offer a wide range of lenses for gyaru to cosplay looks. They also always have some kind of great special going on, here's the current ones:
mukuCHU's Mid-Year Sale
All EOS lenses are $25 a pair!
All GEO lenses are $23 a pair!
All FunkyEyes Lenses are $28 a pair!
Free lenses case with every pair!
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