A traditional Spanish, Portuguese, or Latin American spectacle in found images

I'm automatically repelled and disgusted by the bloodsport of Bull fighting. However, also somehow drawn towards and fascinated with this cruel spectacle's penchant for pompous costume, augmented ideas of masculinity and bravery encrusted in swathes of beaded, fitted, costumes* in orange, turquoise, yellow and crimson fabric.

*Apparently:  'Because of the decorations and elaborateness on the costume, the Spanish call the toreador's outfit as traje de luces, meaning the "suit of lights". Though undoubtedly flamboyant, matador costume structure provides great ease of movement.' - the wikipedia entry on Toreros (Bullfighters)

dscf0930toreros144416179pJwByl_fsIMG_3553GEDC0390minuto-de-silencioP1020514P1020535DSCF0126costume-2DSCF2198DSC_0025Fran_Rivera_en_las_fiestas_Colombinas_2008_en_Huelva_(España) 2018602340063382881OlHnAP_fs pb210143 IMG_0858 pb210134 CHAQUETILLA-87


i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x, xi, xii, xiii, xiv, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii xix
All found images gleaned from google image search.

The horses get outfits too:

costume-5 costume-6


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