Just a quick double outfit post! (I'm getting better at this outfit posting malarky!)
A few weeks ago I picked up a gorgeous tunic from New Look's Inspire range, I threw it on for a casual night out around town with friends and absolutely loved it! About a week later I found myself in New Look, again (I know!) having a nosey through their summer sale rack. Not much caught my eye until I skimmed past something with a really pretty vintage type print. I pulled it off the rail for a closer look, it was the same tunic I had bought a week before but in another print, in my size and on sale!!!! (Wahooooo! I do love me a bargain!)
I knew after loving the cut of the one I had bought the week before that this one was also not going to disappoint, so I left the store a very happy lady! Get ready for the pictures...
*Rose Print Tunic Outfit*
Diamante and Pearl Ring set - Primark
Peeptoe Flats - Primark
Clutch - Primark
*Bird Print Tunic Outfit!*
Turquoise Ring - £1.50 Boots jewellery concession
Turquoise Owl Necklace - £1.50 Boots jewellery concession
The picture of me wearing the bird print tunic is a bit of a big deal for me. I absolutely hate my arms, I have always been so conscious of my big chubby arms that I am guaranteed to always have them covered up. Why am I so conscious of them? I don't know, but I am. Anyway I was out at the bus stop on Saturday afternoon, it was so hot and I was dying! I knew I needed to get cool and take off my cardigan but I was terrified of what people would think of my fat girl arms. After a quick tweet, and a few replies of encouragement from you lovely people, the cardigan was whipped off and my arms set free, no one stared, no one gawked, no one cared!!!! REFLIEF! What was I so bothered about?! So, the picture above is to document my little personal journey of freeing my bingo wings! Why do we have these little hang ups over absolutely nothing? I have no idea, I don't care about my big tum, my big bum, my double chin, but my arms bug me! Crazy! Any of you ladies out their who have hang-ups, seriously LET.THEM.GO! Life is too short girls! *inspirational speech over* ;)
Anyway, this was meant to be a quick post. Im gonna go now, but also, check out the lovely Laura wearing the rose tunic and see how she is rocking hers! Super gorgeous lady!
Big Love Guys!