Michelle Obama Jewelry Update

It's been a while since Michelle Obama's jewelry dominated the posts of this blingy chronical of all things shiny, but I'm happy to report that our Fashionista-In-Chief is back with some serious jaw-droppers for your gawking pleasure.

(A tip of the hat to the Mrs. O blog for their diligent chronicling of our First Lady's fashion.)

The Brooch Is Back!

Michelle Obama met Kate Middleton and her in-laws in her signature brooch bling - this one a 1940s Hobe brooch from the House of Lavande.

And this sparkler a pink vintage Henry Schreiner brooch - also from House of Lavande.

Tom Binns Goes to Washington

I've always been a fan of Tom Binns' wild and whimsical designs (click here for more info on his bling) - but I was surprised to see our First Lady embrace his eccentric stylings not just for this dinner she and the Pres. hosted for the Queen of England - but on other occasions as well.

Pearl strands are fine and all - -but THIS is Jewelry! (Her ring is a jade and diamond lattice piece by Yewn)

Mrs. O Channels Jackie O!

Our Commander in Chic wore this classic Tom Ford gown with dangling diamond earrings (designer unknown) to Buckingham Palace for a formal state dinner. Elegance personified. Somewhere Jackie O is smiling.

While the pearl strand will forever by synomymous with First Lady Fashion, I'm thrilled to see such variety in her jewelry selections.

What are your favorite looks?

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