Name: Hanie (Neko)
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Fashion Style: Gyaru
Link: http://myau-club.blogspot.com
What is your style, and how long have you been interested in fashion?
My style is mostly realted to cute, but sometimes I like the cool type too. I'm interested in fashion since 2008! However, I used to love dress up when I was young!
How did you discover your style?
Anime > Cosplay > GyaruWhen do you dress in your style?
Whenever I have the chance to!
Do you like to follow fashion rules, or create your own?
Both!Do you have one item (clothing, accessory, cosmetic) that is your signature?
Hmm... Not really...
What do you think is important about fashion?
Always following the trend while enjoying it!If you would like to be featured as a Fashion Hime on an upcoming Friday, please click on the button below to be taken to the sign up page!