Name: Anna
Location: Finland
Fashion Style: Gyaru inspired
Link: http://hhmas.blogspot.com
What is your style, and how long have you been interested in fashion?
- I would describe my own style as a gyaru inspired. I've always wanted to dress my own way, even though afterwards I watch some old outfits with shame.. But my intrest in gyaru started something about 2-3 years a go, when I saw some pictures of it. I actually didn't have enough courige to dress in that way back then, so I've been changing my style slowly during these years to this.
How did you discover your style?
- As I told, I saw some pictures on the internet. If I remember correctly, I was just hanging around in different blogs and then came up with a bunch of gyaru blogs and fell in love with the style.My style was pretty much rock/goth inspired back then so it's been a long path to the current situation.
When do you dress in your style?
- nowdays I dont have time to dress this way everyday, since my work takes so much time and I must be very natural looking over there. But everytime I'm leaving from home somewhere else than work or school I'm dressed to my style.
Do you like to follow fashion rules, or create your own?
- well, of course theres some rules that I'd like to atleast try to follow, but I dont wanna stuck blindly to one thing. I search the things I like from other styles and add them to mine and create my own rulesDo you have one item (clothing, accessory, cosmetic) that is your signature?
- Maybe high heels and no pants. My friends get always shocked if I'm wearing jeans or flat shoes. I actually do own only two pairs of jeans and two pairs of flat shoes..
What do you think is important about fashion?
- Doing it your own way. If you dont like something but you still wear it just because everyone else does, it's just stupid. Also, If you dont feel comfortable or confidenced in your style, then you must think if it is really that thing you wanna do.If you would like to be featured as a Fashion Hime on an upcoming Friday, please click on the button below to be taken to the sign up page!