Name: Soo Yun
Location: Germany
Fashion Style: different styles
Link: www.soo-yuns-dailylife.blogspot.com
What is your style, and how long have you been interested in fashion?
I´ve been interessted in fashion for long long long time ago. Every girl loves fashion. And if time goes by, the style and taste change like the age,so my style changes a lot. Now I mix a lot of styles together and create my own style, but I like the gyaru style too. So I got the most inspiration of the japanese or korean girls.
How did you discover your style?
It started 3 years ago when I was determined to be a designer and wanted to create my own designs. So I visited the technical college and get my advanced technical college entrance qualification. But after one year I lost the interest, because it was to annoying and I changed my career opportunities. But I didn´t lost the interest in fashion. I prefer to buy clothes instead to make my own. In this time I had wear a lot of dark colored clothes because I was interessted in Visual kei.But some day I was also bored of the dark fashion style.I wanted something brightly and colored ones. One day I found at a comix store some magazines like Popteen and Egg and Ive fallen in love with the cute and different styles of the models. Since than I ve discover my mixed style.

Do you like to follow fashion rules, or create your own?
I don´t like to be controlled by any rules,espacially not by fashion ones. Fashion means freedom and passion. Of course the clothes we are able to wear should be different by any way. So I wear everything I want to.Do you have one item (clothing, accessory, cosmetic) that is your signature?
Oh yeah, I love cross jewellery. I have so many different styles of earrings and necklaces.But espacialy I love my rosery and the braclets which my boyfriends gave me, I´m always wearing them.
What do you think is important about fashion?
The most important fact of fashion is to be yourself. You shouldn´t dress like a slut if you are the cute style. You should wear that what you want to wear and what u like, not what suits other people. Fashion shows the personality of every human. For example fashion can also show you which music taste people have. Like Heavy Metaler or Hip Hopper. Their styles are totally different but everyone of them are same because they lives their own styles. But the really main fact is that you have fun,it´s foolish and annoying if you only focus for new clothes and new trends and so on, life goes on.If you would like to be featured as a Fashion Hime on an upcoming Friday, please click on the button below to be taken to the sign up page!